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CoveAPI does not support OpenAPI 3.x yet, but it will be supported in the future.


The following is an overview of all options available for configuring CoveAPI. Each table entry corresponds to a property that can be set when creating an action.

Option Description Values Examples
account-for-security-forbidden Take security annotations into account and require 403 cases to be handled (default false) boolean true
account-for-security-unauthorized Take security annotations into account and require 401 cases to be handled (default false) boolean true
debug Enables Debug mode (default false) boolean true
instance-url Base of service, excluding base path from OpenAPI URL http://localhost:8080
only-account-for-pr Indicates if only changes within a PR should be taken into account, doesn't take effect outside a PR (default: false) boolean true
openapi-source Location of OpenAPI/Swagger spec Path or URL docs/swagger.yaml
port Port for CoveAPI to listen on (default 13750) unsigned 16-bit integer 13750
services Configuration for multiple services, conflicts with port, openapi-source, instance-url instance-url; openapi-source; port;\n see here
stage Specifies which stage to use preparation, evaluation preparation
test-coverage Coverage to enforce in the evaluation stage (default 70%) Percentage or float 0.75, 75%
groupings Allows for certain configurations to be grouped together or ignored path; method; status_code; ignored;\n see here

Detailed Information

Multiple Services

Getting test coverage on a system with multiple services is also possible with CoveAPI. Instead of providing a single instance-url, openapi-source, and port, you can provide a mapping via the services option.

The mapping should be provided in the following format:

instance-url; openapi-source; port;
instance-url; openapi-source; port;
// etc ...

Here, the ports have to be unique and cannot be used twice. The valid fields for instance-url, openapi-source, and port are the same as their respective single options.

An example for a port mapping, looks as follows:

    services: |
        http://localhost:8080; docs/swagger1.yaml; 13751;
        http://localhost:8443; docs/swagger2.yaml; 13752;


Your integration tests can connect to CoveAPI in two different ways:

  1. http://localhost:13750
  2. http://coveapi:13750

The first configuration simply replaces the "localhost" text with the IP of the Docker container.

The second configuration creates a Docker network and adds all running Docker containers to it. When running integration tests from within a Docker container, this option could be advantageous.

Security Headers

CoveAPI can pick up on security annotations in an OpenAPI spec. By default, it ignores these annotations. However, with the options account-for-security-forbidden and account-for-security-unauthorized, CoveAPI automatically requires you to check 401 and 403 errors, respectively.


Sometimes endpoints reuse the same logic and shouldn't need to be tested twice. Other times, some configurations simply can't be tested and need to be ignored from a test coverage perspective. The groupings feature allows you to define groups. A group only requires a single test to count as tested for all endpoints within the group. If the ignored flag is set, the endpoints are assumed to be tested and are excluded from the coverage calculation.

An example grouping configuration could look as follows:

groupings: |
    /foo/bar; GET; 200; true;
    /foo/{bar}/moo; GET, POST; 200, 418; false;

Feel free to explore and utilize CoveAPI for efficient and comprehensive test coverage of your API.